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Work Done By Frictional Force

Assertion :A work done by friction is always negative. Reason: If frictional force acts on a body its kinetic energy may decrease.

How do you calculate the work done against frictional force?

Well the work done against friction. Work done just generally is going to be the force times

Can work done by friction be zero?

Therefore, friction can do positive, negative as well as zero work.

Is work done equal to friction?

The answer is actually no. The kinetic energy of the object is not changing, hence the net work on the object is equal to 0 J. You are doing positive work on the object, but friction is doing negative work; taking energy.

Does work done depend on friction?

Assertion :Work done by friction depends upon displacement of the body. Reason: Frictional force is non-conservative.

Does friction do negative work?

The force of friction opposes the displacement (always), and does negative work.

Why is work done by friction non-conservative?

Friction is a good example of a nonconservative force. As illustrated in Figure 1, work done against friction depends on the length of the path between the starting and ending points. Because of this dependence on path, there is no potential energy associated with nonconservative forces.

What is formula for work done?

To express this concept mathematically, the work W is equal to the force f times the distance d, or W = fd. If the force is being exerted at an angle θ to the displacement, the work done is W = fd cos θ.

What is the relationship between work and friction?

The work done by friction is the force of friction times the distance traveled times the cosine of the angle between the friction force and displacement; hence, this gives us a way of finding the distance traveled after the person stops pushing.

Why is work done zero?

Zero work is done when the displacement of a body is zero or perpendicular (θ=900,cosθ=0) to the direction of force applied, then work done is zero.

What kind of work is friction?

Friction is a force, the resistance of motion when one object rubs against another. Whenever two objects rub against each other, they cause friction. Friction works against the motion and acts in the opposite direction. The amount of friction depends on the materials from which the two surfaces are made.

When work done by a force is positive?

The work done is positive if the direction of force and displacement are the same. The work done is zero when force and displacement are perpendicular. If an object is not moving, then , so. If the object is moving in the opposite direction to the direction of the applied force, the work done is negative.

What is conservative and non-conservative work?

A conservative force is one for which the work done is independent of path. Equivalently, a force is conservative if the work done over any closed path is zero. A non-conservative force is one for which the work done depends on the path. For a conservative force, the infinitesimal work is an exact differential.

What is difference between conservative and non-conservative force?

Conservative force abides by the law of conservation of energy. Examples of conservative force: Gravitational force, spring force etc. On the other hand, non-conservative forces are those forces which cause a loss of mechanical energy from the system. In the above case friction is the non-conservative force.

What is work done by conservative force?

The total work done by a conservative force is independent of the path resulting in a given displacement and is equal to zero when the path is a closed loop. Stored energy, or potential energy, can be defined only for conservative forces.

What are the 3 formulas for work?

What is Work, Energy and Power?
FormulaWork can be calculated by multiplying Force and Distance in the direction of force as follows W = F × d
UnitThe SI unit of work is the Joule (J)

What are the three formulas of work done?

Mathematically, the concept of work done W equals the force f times the distance (d), that is W = f. d and if the force is exerted at an angle θ to the displacement, then work done is calculated as W = f . d cos θ.

How do you calculate work done by force and displacement?

Work is done when a force is applied, at least partially, in the direction of the displacement of the object. If that force is constant then the work done by the force is the dot product of the force with the displacement: W = F ⃗ ∙ d ⃗ .

Which is no work force?

When force and displacement are perpendicular to one another or when either the force or displacement is zero, zero work is defined. If a block is moving on a smooth horizontal surface, no work is done.

Is work scalar or vector?

Force and displacement are combined to form the formula for work. Work is a scalar quantity as a result.

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